Training for teachers on issues of race, belonging, migration and empire.

Changing Departmental Culture

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    I have found the reading utterly fascinating, illuminating, deeply troubling and shocking but absolutely vital in moving me forward into a place where I can start to see a path towards the work that needs to be done in my teaching and in my department. Thanks to the toolkit on this platform, I feel I am getting better at articulating to my colleagues where we might need to begin in order to create a curriculum for our students that includes race, belonging, migration and empire as integral aspects of all their learning. There are literally hundreds of opportunities that I hadn’t seen before.

    I was considering running a departmental audit on what our current curriculum looks like in this area; what opportunities we have to include these learning moments that we might be missing; what we currently do include and where we are lacking entirely. I wondered if anyone else had experience of running an audit of this kind and if so, how did you do it?

    If anyone has any suggestions I would be so glad to hear them.

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